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TOPS International: best banks for international wealth management

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TOPS International: best banks for international wealth management
Erschienen: September 2013, 24 Seiten
 Switzerland is the only German-speaking country whose banks have the global branch network and expertise that internationally focused, high-net-worth clients require. Not only do they want first-rate financial services, they also expect to be accepted in terms of their own individual cultural norms.

Although there are not so many internationally focused banks in the financial hubs of Geneva and Zurich, those that are there promise much in this regard. But can they really offer all of this? Do they have the intercultural skills that high-net-worth individuals expect?

The answers to these questions were assessed by Private Banking Prüfinstanz (PBPI), a partnership between Verlag FUCHSBRIEFE and Dr. Richter | IQF that tests private banking products. Eighteen banks met the requirements for the test.
PBPI compared the performances of these banks with each other and with test findings gathered over a period of more than ten years in the area of wealth management in German-speaking Europe.


Preis: 35,00 Euro

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